Sunday, 13 February 2011

Hi. Today I have blogged a lot hahaha. But I really need to say this. After crying in front of Meida and Nicole abt not being able to trust you, then after that I was thinking that you have somewhat changed. So I decided to give you another chance. But after what happened, I have lost all my trust I have in you. I seriously don't want anything else to do with you. From what I know, you shouldn't be friends with someone who constantly hurt you over again and again. You are still self centered. I wish you the best in life. I hope you won't disrupt yours mine anymore. I will still talk to you, but to talk to someone without any mutual trust is like asking me to tell Ching Wai that I like him. Okay you get the point. So I think I can't help this. I can't stand the pain that you give. I'll just. Try to forget you. Hope you know who you are.

Haha ok that was emo~ now for fun stuff:)
Lol okay tmr is valentines day:)common question: do I have a valentine? My answer: YES!!! guess who hahaha anyway hope everyone enjoys tmr~ here's a shouting to all my friends!!! I love you with all my heart;D should I list them out..?

(no particular order)
Meida. Nicole Ong and see. Yu mei. Daphne. Pauline. Shar yuen. Gita. Amanda. Fazanah. Zi han. Loveena. Amira. Natasha. Fatin. Nabihah. Nadiah. Yun Yun. Nithya. Xin Ying. Jodi. Sidra. Linnet. Athena. All of 2e4'10. :) wand xue Yao. Arianna. Xing Yao. George. Ching Wai. Wei yang. Kai yen. Gabriel. Jia Xin. Hazirah. Sarah. Maurice. Zhi Quan.
친구는, 사랑해용~^^^

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